Why was my hearing scheduled for November 29, 2019? – Immigration Black Friday

Respondents in removal proceedings have been having their upcoming hearings rescheduled in recent months, to a date in 2019. This date happens to be the day following Thanksgiving in 2019.

Over the past several months, many immigration courts around the country, including Denver, have been vacating or cancelling scheduled hearings and resetting those hearings to November 29, 2019. This date, however, is merely a “place holder” on the court’s docket to ensure a case is not lost in the system.

It is first important to note that not all hearings are being reset. Respondents with a set hearing should appear at the time and date stated on their hearing notices. If the hearing has been reset, the Immigration Court will notify the person on the day of the hearing.

Secondly, it is important to understand that hearings that have been reset to November 29, 2019, are highly likely to be reset again to a sooner date when the court resumes normal operations.

Please contact your attorney to discuss any concerns you might have concerning a hearing scheduling issue.

About the Author

Bryon M. Large

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