Unlawful Presence

Expansion of I-601A Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Process

After months of anticipation, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced on July 29, 2016 a final rule to expand the…

9 years ago

How do I write a hardship letter?

We do a fair number of hardship waivers in our office each year, and I am frequently asked by my…

10 years ago

DMV Expands License Program

The Colorado Department of Revenue announced earlier this month an expansion of the driver license program under the Colorado Road…

10 years ago

USCIS to Expand Eligibility for the Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver

As a part of President Obama’s executive actions announced on November 20, 2014, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service…

10 years ago

White House Expected to Address Administrative Reforms

Early last week, the President addressed immigration reform from the Rose Garden of the White House. Clearly frustrated by Congressional…

11 years ago

Colorado Drivers Licenses, Instruction Permits and Identification Cards for Undocumented Individuals Residing in Colorado

Starting August 1, 2014, pursuant to the Colorado Road and Community Safety Act (CRCSA) (SB13-251), Colorado residents who are in…

11 years ago

USCIS Announces Sua Sponte Reopening of Denied I-601A Waivers

On March 18, 2014, USCIS announced that, on its own motion, it would reopen and review I-601A waivers that were…

11 years ago

Provisional Waivers for Unlawful Presence, March 2013

Kolko & Associates, P.C. is pleased to announce an important change in the immigration law with regard to the processing…

12 years ago