
Español Throughout the campaign, Trump was clear about his intention to dramatically increase immigration enforcement, promising mass deportations on Day One. While it is unlikely that the new administration will have the ability to deport large numbers of people immediately after taking office, we will certainly see a significant shift in immigration enforcement, with all […]

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English Durante toda la campaña, Trump fue claro sobre su intención de aumentar drásticamente la aplicación de la ley migratoria, prometiendo deportaciones masivas desde el primer día. Aunque es poco probable que la nueva administración tenga la capacidad de deportar a un gran número de personas inmediatamente después de asumir el cargo, ciertamente veremos un […]

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Español The next Trump administration will directly attack all types of immigration, including legal immigration pathways through employment. As we saw during the first Trump administration, we will likely again see mandates for interviews in all lawful permanent residency cases, including employment-based cases, and a decrease in critical agency resources dedicated to reviewing and adjudicating […]

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English La próxima administración de Trump atacar directamente todos los tipos de inmigración, incluyendo las vías legales de inmigración a través del empleo. Como vimos durante la primera administración de Trump, es probable que volvamos a ver la implementación de entrevistas obligatorias en todos los casos de residencia permanente legal, incluyendo los basados en empleo, […]

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Español The Trump administration’s proposed policy changes on various protections for undocumented immigrants have created a sense of uncertainty and fear for many, particularly for individuals who previously benefited from humanitarian programs such as TPS, DACA, U-Visas, and T-Visas. These programs have offered critical relief and stability for vulnerable populations, but under the next Trump […]

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English Los cambios de política propuestos por la administración de Trump sobre diversas protecciones para inmigrantes indocumentados han generado un sentimiento de incertidumbre y temor para muchos, en particular para quienes anteriormente se beneficiaron de programas humanitarios como el TPS, DACA, visas U y visas T. Estos programas han ofrecido alivio y estabilidad cruciales para […]

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With the election of Donald Trump to serve as our next president, who ran on a decidedly anti-immigrant platform, we are certain to see dramatic shifts in immigration policy. Based on Trump’s rhetoric, his previous administration from 2017-2020, and Project 2025 (which is well understood to be the incoming administration’s roadmap on immigration), we expect […]

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English Con la elección de Donald Trump para servir como nuestro próximo presidente, quien se postuló con una plataforma decididamente antiinmigrante, seguramente veremos cambios dramáticos en la política de inmigración. Basándonos en la retórica de Trump, su administración anterior de 2017-2020 y el Proyecto 2025 (que se entiende bien como la hoja de ruta de […]

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Trudicido por Aminta Menjivar Esta semana, la Corte de Apelaciones Estadounidense del Circuito del Distrito de Columbia en el caso Make the Road New York v. Wolf, fallo que la Administración Trump puede proceder con una expansión de remociones/deportaciones rápidas adentro de los Estados Unidos. En Julio del 2019, la Administración Trump publicó un nuevo […]

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This week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Make the Road New York v. Wolf, ruled that the Trump Administration can move forward with an expansion of expedited removal within the United States. In July 2019, the Trump Administration published a new rule in the federal registrar (84 Fed. Reg. 35,409 […]

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On June 18, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California, et. al. In a 5 to 4 decision, Chief Justice Roberts delivered the majority opinion of the Court, holding that when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the termination of the […]

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As outlined in our blog, “Trump Administration Issues New Third Country Asylum Rule,” the new third-country asylum rule bars anyone (other than a citizen of Mexico) who travels from another country to the United States by land from qualifying for asylum unless he or she first seeks asylum in a third country. However, on July […]

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