
An immigration raid is an onsite law enforcement search of a workplace by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) or other law enforcement officials looking to apprehend and detain individuals in the United States without lawful immigration status. This article focuses on a workplace raid targeting employees for detention and does not address a Department of […]

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Trudicido por Aminta Menjivar Esta semana, la Corte de Apelaciones Estadounidense del Circuito del Distrito de Columbia en el caso Make the Road New York v. Wolf, fallo que la Administración Trump puede proceder con una expansión de remociones/deportaciones rápidas adentro de los Estados Unidos. En Julio del 2019, la Administración Trump publicó un nuevo […]

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This week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Make the Road New York v. Wolf, ruled that the Trump Administration can move forward with an expansion of expedited removal within the United States. In July 2019, the Trump Administration published a new rule in the federal registrar (84 Fed. Reg. 35,409 […]

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United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) has announced a new policy, scheduled to be in effect as of September 1, 2019, to expand the use of “expedited removal” to deport noncitizens from the United States. The Trump Administration had directed Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) in 2017 to expand the use of expedited removal. […]

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  **Updated July 14, 2019 If you or your family members are impacted by ICE Raids, please call the Colorado Rapid Response Network for assistance 1-844-864-8341  There have been widespread reports this past weekend that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) may conduct raids throughout major cities in the United States, including Denver. The raids may […]

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In recent months the Trump Administration has terminated the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Program for multiple countries and is reviewing the continued designation of several others. TPS for Hondurans was terminated and will only continue through July 5, 2018. The TPS designation for Nicaragua will terminate on January 5, 2019. TPS for individuals from Haiti […]

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On August 16, 2017, the City of Denver issued Ordinance 17-0940, New Denver Public Safety Enforcement Priorities Proposal. The proposed ordinance was created to protect immigrants and refugees in the midst of increased federal immigration enforcement. Local immigration advocates, policy directors, and community organizers worked closely with Denver City Council members and Mayor Hancock’s Office […]

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Know Your Rights!

  Kolko & Associates, P.C. wants to remind every individual in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, of their legal rights if approached or interrogated by law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).   We highlight the National Immigration Law Center’s Know Your Rights Advisement and take this opportunity to remind immigrants in the […]

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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently stepped up its immigration enforcement efforts. Starting this week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has begun conducting “immigration raids” across the country targeting individuals and families who have entered the United States within the last two years and who have an order of removal from the U.S. […]

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