
On February 25, 2025, USCIS announced information for the initial registration period for the FY2026 H-1B cap.  The fiscal year will run from October 1, 2025, to September 30, 2026.  Individuals selected in this year’s H-1B lottery who then submit an H-1B petition that is approved, may begin working in H-1B Status on October 1, […]

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On December 18, 2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published its final H-1B Modernization Rule, which goes into effect today, January 17, 2025.  With the publication of the final rule, DHS hopes to “modernize and improve the efficiency of the H–1B program, add benefits and flexibilities and improve integrity measures.” Here are some […]

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Under the H-1B Modernization and Nonimmigrant Program Improvement Rule published on December 18, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) codified its current deference policy for nonimmigrant petitions. Under U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) policy, when a nonimmigrant petition involves the same parties and the same underlying facts, USCIS adjudicators should generally defer to […]

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Español The next Trump administration will directly attack all types of immigration, including legal immigration pathways through employment. As we saw during the first Trump administration, we will likely again see mandates for interviews in all lawful permanent residency cases, including employment-based cases, and a decrease in critical agency resources dedicated to reviewing and adjudicating […]

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English La próxima administración de Trump atacar directamente todos los tipos de inmigración, incluyendo las vías legales de inmigración a través del empleo. Como vimos durante la primera administración de Trump, es probable que volvamos a ver la implementación de entrevistas obligatorias en todos los casos de residencia permanente legal, incluyendo los basados en empleo, […]

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English Con la elección de Donald Trump para servir como nuestro próximo presidente, quien se postuló con una plataforma decididamente antiinmigrante, seguramente veremos cambios dramáticos en la política de inmigración. Basándonos en la retórica de Trump, su administración anterior de 2017-2020 y el Proyecto 2025 (que se entiende bien como la hoja de ruta de […]

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With the election of Donald Trump to serve as our next president, who ran on a decidedly anti-immigrant platform, we are certain to see dramatic shifts in immigration policy. Based on Trump’s rhetoric, his previous administration from 2017-2020, and Project 2025 (which is well understood to be the incoming administration’s roadmap on immigration), we expect […]

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Our dedicated Senior Associate Attorney, Andrea Sweeney, and her family are making a big move from Colorado to the beautiful state of Montana. Andrea has been with Kolko and Casey for nearly seven years and has been an invaluable member of our firm from the start. She began at Kolko and Casey with an early […]

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Last week, from June 12-15, 2024, Kolko and Casey, P.C. Senior Associate Attorneys Petula McShiras and Andrea Sweeney, attended the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s (AILA) Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois where they attended various panels on business immigration, family immigration, and humanitarian immigration. They also participated in open forums with the U.S. government agencies, such […]

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On October 20, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the H-1B Specialty Occupation Program. With these proposed rules, DHS hopes to modernize the program “by streamlining eligibility requirements, improving program efficiency, providing greater benefits and flexibilities for employers and workers, and strengthening integrity measures.” The […]

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On March 27, 2023, the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it has completed its random selection lottery for H-1B Cap subject cases for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. This includes both the “regular cap” and “advanced degree cap.” Under the annual limit (“cap”) set by Congress, each fiscal year, there are 65,000 available […]

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We have currently have openings for two immigration attorney positions: Experienced Associate Immigration Attorney: 5-6 years’ experience in the practice immigration law required, with a preference for an attorney with experience in both family and employment-based immigration. Associate Immigration Attorney: 1-2 years’ experience in immigration law required. Please consider joining our team and making Kolko […]

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