Know Your Rights!



Kolko & Associates, P.C. wants to remind every individual in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, of their legal rights if approached or interrogated by law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  

We highlight the National Immigration Law Center’s Know Your Rights Advisement and take this opportunity to remind immigrants in the United States of their legal rights if they are approached or interrogated by an Immigration Officer:

– You have the right to remain silent. You may refuse to speak to immigration officers.

– Do not open your door. (ICE must have a warrant signed by a judge to enter)

– You have the right to speak with a lawyer.

Before you sign anything, talk to a lawyer.

– Always carry with you any valid immigration document you have.

– If you are worried that ICE will arrest you, let the officer know if you have children.

Carry a “know your rights card and show it if an immigration officer stops you.

Thank you the National Immigration Law Center for its useful guide and resources.

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Kolko & Casey

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