Colorado Drivers Licenses, Instruction Permits and Identification Cards for Undocumented Individuals Residing in Colorado

Starting August 1, 2014, pursuant to the Colorado Road and Community Safety Act (CRCSA) (SB13-251), Colorado residents who are in the United States without lawful immigration status will be eligible to receive a Colorado Driver’s License, Instruction Permit or State Identification Card.  

In order to receive a Colorado Driver’s License, Instruction Permit or Identification Card under CRCSA, all Applicants must:
1) Present a valid passport, consular identification card, or military identification card from their country of origin;
2) Present a validly issued U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN);
3) Document name, age and identity; and
4) Sign an affidavit that the individual either has applied for lawful status in the United States or will apply as soon as he or she is eligible for lawful status.

Additionally, all applicants must prove residence in the state of Colorado.  Applicants must demonstrate one of the following:

1) Current Colorado residence & filing of Colorado State income tax return for the tax year immediately preceding application;
2) Continuous Colorado residence for the past 24 months.

In both cases, the Applicant must sign a sworn affidavit regarding their length of residence in the United States and provide documentation proving the requisite length of Colorado residence. Acceptable documents proving residence include but are not limited to recently issued utility bills, credit card statement, paystubs, rent receipts or bank statements.

Licenses issued under this program will be valid for a period of three (3) years and will not be valid for federal identification purposes. 

Please contact Kolko & Associates, P.C. for more information on this positive development for individuals residing in Colorado without lawful immigration status.

About the Author

Jennifer Casey is Managing Partner at Kolko & Casey, P.C. Jennifer specializes in employment based and family based immigration matters.

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