Customs and Border Protection announced yesterday that it issued a new updated Form 6059B Customs Declaration Form that expands the definition of family members. The form indicates that “the term ‘family’ is defined as ‘members of a family residing in the same household who are related by blood, marriage, domestic relationship, or adoption.’” The updated language allows more people entering the United States to file a joint customs declaration and reduces the paperwork burden for visitors, as well as government workers. The form has been updated to reflect the language of an updated regulation which clarifies that foster children, stepchildren, wards and other dependents, as well as individuals in a guardian relationship are recognized as family members. Also recognized as family members are two adults engaged in long-term committed permanent partnerships, regardless of sex, and those in civil unions and domestic partnerships. The language reflects recognition of same-sex and opposite-sex relationships that are not necessarily bound in a traditional marriage.
The form can additionally be filled out online at and printed prior to travel to the United States.
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English Como vimos durante la primera administración de Trump, es probable que volvamos a ver…
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