
As part of the President’s administrative action on immigration, the administration announced a program to reform the Optional Practical Training (“OPT”) program. OPT is a program for F-1 student visa holders to seek an additional 12 months in status to seek temporary employment in their field of study. Secretary Johnson has asked USCIS and ICE […]

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As part of the President’s administrative program to expand immigration benefits under current law, two important aspects related to research and development in the United States are included. First, DHS Secretary Johnson directed USCIS to issue guidance or promulgate regulations to clarify the standard for which a National Interest Waiver might be granted. A National […]

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Among the announcements made during President Obama’s administrative immigration reform on November 20, 2014, was the announcement that USCIS is being directed to clarify the term “same or similar” pursuant to AC21. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson directed USCIS to issue written guidance clarifying what constitutes a “same or similar” job under current law. Secretary Johnson […]

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As a part of President Obama’s executive actions announced on November 20, 2014, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) announced that it will allow the spouses and children of lawful permanent residents and the adult children of U.S. citizens to apply for the Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver, also known as the I-601A Waiver. […]

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On November 20, 2014, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) announced a new program to promote citizenship and the naturalization process. Beginning in 2015, USCIS will be conducting a program aimed at lawful permanent residents who are eligible to apply for naturalization.  The program will seek to promote citizenship education and raise public […]

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Posted by Zuzana Geremes, Paralegal Part of President Obama’s executive order on administrative immigration reforms promulgated on November 20, 2014, is the implementation of a change in the current regulations regarding employment authorization for certain spouses (H-4 dependents) of foreign nationals working in the United States on H-1B visas. Under the existing regulations, the spouse […]

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Senior Associate Attorney Jennifer Casey was recently published in an opinion piece featured on Fox News Latino. Jennifer addressed the media’s frequent mischaracterization of President Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration as “Legalization.” Jennifer’s Op-Ed is copied below, and can be found on Fox News Latino’s website here: ******************************************************************************** Opinion: An immigration attorney’s plea to […]

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On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced a variety of executive measures that his administration will undertake in order to improve and enhance the current immigration system in the United States and to positively impact the U.S. economy.  One of these measures is to clarify “specialized knowledge” for purposes of the L-1B Intracompany Transferee Program. […]

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On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced a range of executive measures that the administration will take to improve the functioning of the United States immigration system. As a part of these measures, the administration is changing the eligibility requirements for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to increase the number of individuals […]

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On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced a variety of executive administrative measures that his administration will undertake in order to improve and enhance the current immigration system in the United States.  A number of the President’s initiatives are aimed at U.S. businesses, foreign investors, researchers, inventors and foreign workers. In an effort to grow […]

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On November 20, 2014, President Barack Obama announced the implementation of a wide range of administrative measures that the administration will undertake in an effort to improve the functioning of the American immigration system. One of the initiatives announced by the President is the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) Program.  This program provides temporary […]

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On November 20, 2014, related to the President’s executive order on administrative immigration reforms, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson issued a memorandum directing USCIS to issue guidance on the definition of “extreme hardship.” “Extreme hardship” is a legal term of art, and is the basis for qualifying for various types of waivers, including an unlawful […]

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