
On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama announced Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program that allows individuals who were brought to the United States when they were under age 16, to apply for Deferred Action and Employment Authorization if they had resided in the United States for at least 5 years, were enrolled […]

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The Mexican government announced this month that starting January 15, 2015, all Mexican consulates in the United States will begin issuing certified copies of birth certificates for births registered in Mexico. This new policy will be of great assistance to the many Mexican nationals residing the United States in obtaining these vital records. In order […]

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On December 15, 2014, in a completely unprecedented move, the Colorado Bar Association’s (CBA) Executive Committee met and unanimously voted to provide matching funds of up to $50,000 in order to fund the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) Children’s Program ( and to provide legal services to Unaccompanied Children in Immigration Removal Proceedings. CBA […]

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The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has announced that applications for the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) will be available starting February 18, 2015. On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration initially announced DACA as a program to benefit a group commonly referred to as the “DREAMERs” – children who were […]

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Kolko & Associates, P.C., is pleased to announce that the Colorado GLBT Bar Association has named our Senior Associate Attorney, Bryon M. Large, as its President-Elect this month. He will serve this year as President-Elect, and will serve as President during the Association’s 2016 term. Bryon has been a strong advocate for GLBT-related issues in […]

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Happy Cap Season!  That’s right, Happy Cap Season!  For some, these words mean absolutely nothing, but for thousands of employers and potential highly skilled, foreign national workers in the U.S. and around the world, Cap Season is full of hope, fraught with anxiety, and colored by extreme frustration with the current annual limits on H-1B […]

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Posted by Zuzana Geremes, Paralegal   President Obama concluded his three-day visit to India on January 27, 2015 where he met, among others, with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. With regards to US immigration issues, President Obama and Prime Minister Modi touched on the topic of the H-1B visas.  In particular, the Times of India […]

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Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson has determined that the ongoing armed conflict and other extraordinary and temporary conditions in Syria prevent nationals of those countries from returning to these states in safety. In light of this, the Secretary has announced the both the extension and redesignation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for […]

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Many foreign nationals residing in Colorado have likely noticed the “black bar” across the foreign national’s Colorado driver’s license reading “not valid for federal identification, voting or public benefit purposes” and thought to themselves – “wait, I shouldn’t have a black bar on my license, I never had a black bar before, this is a […]

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The U.S. Immigration Court in Denver, Colorado currently has three active Immigration Judges and a docket of over 8000 cases.  The Denver Immigration Court and the foreign nationals living within its jurisdiction are fortunate to have distinguished, highly competent, and thoughtful immigration judges. Unfortunately, the majority of foreign nationals on the Denver Immigration Court docket […]

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Kolko Staff Christmas Stockings 2014

While wide-spread immigration relief was something we were all excited to see during this holiday season, there was much more than simple deferred action left for us.  Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (“DAPA”) will provide much needed relief for parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, and that’s easily the biggest gift left for […]

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Earlier this month, our attorneys had an opportunity to participate in pro bono efforts, assisting detained women and children in Artesia, New Mexico, from the Denver Immigration Court. Women and children refugees, fleeing violence in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, have been approaching the southern border, seeking refuge, in record numbers over the past several […]

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